Kialo is a public discussion platform designed to assist educators and students in designing debates. The platform uses “arguments maps,” or templates for visualizing arguments. This tool assists students as they learn to analyze logic, evidence, and structure in their own arguments. Educators and students can build their arguments using examples and templates. Alternatively, users may use vetted, verified information or create their own, fully customizable organizers.
EMPOWERMENT—Kialo Edu is the product of educator feedback. The platform was developed based on requests from teachers for a k-12-friendly version of the public discussion forum.
FLEXIBILITY—Educators can create teams for different classes, allowing them to share differentiated resources to meet learners' needs.
CURIOSITY—Educators can curate spaces for students to reason through complex topics collaboratively. Kialo empowers students to ask questions, explore new ideas, and develop informed opinions in a contained, supportive context.
UTILITY—Teachers can use Kialo to assess learning, share content and resources, or facilitate a classroom debate. The platform is compatible with any content, so teachers can readily integrate this tool into various units. Sample lessons and assignments can spark creativity or be used as-is.
The educator feedback tool makes it easy to organize and access educator comments and assessment.
Integrate Kialo with your school's Learning Management System.
Use Kialo for structuring logical arguments in essays as well as for debates.
Kialo provides debate and classroom discussion ideas for a range of age groups and content areas.