Zinn Education Project
The Zinn Education Project provides activity-based history lessons inspired by Howard Zinn’s best-selling book "A People’s History of the United States." The focus is not on the figures usually featured in traditional history books. Rather, lessons focus on the “regular people” who were actually at the front line of history. To build empathy, students are often asked to put themselves in other people’s shoes to analyze the themes from their units.
EMPOWERMENT—In addition to educational resources and professional development opportunities, Zinn Ed engages educators in campaigns that target biased and misrepresented history curricula.
FLEXIBILITY—With content that ranges from climate justice to voting rights, Zinn Ed resources directly address students' social context.
CURIOSITY—Zinn Education Project emphasizes a more accurate, honest, and complex understanding of the past that centers on working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements.
UTILITY—Educators can search by theme, time period, or resource type to find thoughtfully designed tools to support instruction.
Consider attending a workshop, especially if you plan to implement Teach Climate Justice, Teach Reconstruction, and/or the Teach the Black Freedom Struggle units.
Integrate “This Day in History” into your classroom routine to make thinking critically about the past a daily habit.
The "If We Knew Our History" series can help educators make the case for more equitable, just history curriculum and resources.